Date: 2/17/25 3:01 pm
From: Sandra Keller <000007a762f332b7-dmarc-request...>
Subject: [Ohio-birds] Warren and Clinton - various
Cowan lake - only the dam area had waterfowl. Mainly rb and hooded
Mergs. Water levels are high. As befits that storm. I like birding that
Feeding station area that someone setup toward the east end of the lake.
Picked up Ruby crowned kinglet. Rb Merg was new. And then I picked
Up Killdeer closer to Caesar Creek. Up to 54 for Clinton. Not good!
I hope I can catch up when the weather improves……

Warren next - Greater Scaup. Yea! Finally. That’s actually a county bird!
But hardly anything waterfowl wise at Caesar. No clue why! Cowan lake
Had everything! Spring Valley was frozen again. No waterfowl. I drove along
Many fields in both counties. I need Roughie. If one is back at Fernald,
They must be moving north.

I had an errand to do back home. Not that I minded! I am not walking around
For passerines in this weather. Hit Lake barber in Hamilton. Loaded with ducks!
All at the far end though. I hope to get there again Tues. or Wed. Not sure of
My schedule with a delivery tues and then installers. California golf course for
A Merlin try. No. I was either too early, or not in the right spot!

The Ohio River is at flood stage down here. Flooded fields to bird! Tuesday, and or

Good birding all.

Sandra Keller

Sent from my iPad mini

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