Date: 2/17/25 1:22 pm
From: jerry Kruth <00000005ead0dac6-dmarc-request...>
Subject: Re: PA bats
Hi Grant,
Talk about being slow to your mail  .  .  .   ?
I tried exhuming this from my mail archives, to no avail (sigh!).  Sorry.
I think I have mentioned before, this weekly PA newsletter by DCNR,,Forest Fridays,  on our forests and its denizens is interesting, and informative.
On Thursday, November 7, 2024 at 11:34:58 AM EST, Grant Stevenson <stevensongrant03...> wrote:

Jerry, thx so much. Can you check the link again and resend it? I think it
may be missing something and is thus not clickable. Sorry. I know it's a
pain in the you know what 😆.  Yours, Grant

Grant Stevenson
West Bethlehem,  Lehigh County
Facebook grantstevenson53

On Thu, Nov 7, 2024, 8:28 AM jerry Kruth <
<00000005ead0dac6-dmarc-request...> wrote:

> An interesting tale of PA bats, and their current struggles.
> Regards,
> Jerry Kruth
> Pgh
> file:///C:/Users/Owner/Downloads/Forest_Fridays_Lions_and_Tigers_and_Bats_Oh_My.pdf

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