A very nice lady on Arkansas Birders Facebook page is inviting birders to come see the male LESSER GOLDFINCH that has periodically shown up in her yard since Feb 3. Michael and I saw the bird around noon today and she told us that folks would be welcomed to park along her side yard to look for it. This is approx at 265 Crestpointe Dr, Russellville (north of I-40) The eBird report below has the best spot to park. It'll be the red brick house with the feeders on the back deck. The bird could be on the feeders, the railing, the ground under the feeders or even the large privet in the backyard. https://ebird.org/checklist/S214115015Please park on the same side of the road if other birders are there, so as to not block traffic. This is a neighborhood with folks coming and going throughout the day.I've asked Taylor to set this as a stakeout Hotspot, so please use that location for your eBird checklist, if available. Patty McLean and Michael Linz The Roadrunners