Date: 2/17/25 10:35 am
From: <lehman.paul...> via <lehman.paul...>
Subject: [SanDiegoRegionBirding] More tipus, continuing Graces
Monday morning, stumbled into a couple more tipu spots that I don't think had been previously checked. One is several patches/lines of tipus that border the parking lots of the Bonita Plaza Mall in Bonita. And the other is a couple patches in a shopping center along Sweetwater Road, just west of the 805, particularly near the Carl's Jr. The former area had a male Black-throated Gray warbler and the latter spot had a male Yellow Warbler. I think we should do a tipu Big Day in late fall later this year, starting along Mission Avenue in Oceanside, then do the business parks in Carlsbad and the outlet mall in Carlsbad, then drop down to spending hours in UTC and Sorrento and Carmel Valley, then Balboa Park, then here in Bonita, and finish at the San Ysidro outlet mall at the border! 

In other news this morning, the Las Palmas Park National City Grace's Warbler continues, and like the last time I saw it, it started in the usual pines bordering the northwest ball field, but then flew out into a couple pines on the golf course. 

Paul Lehman, San Diego 

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