Date: 2/17/25 9:16 am
From: Jerry Butler <jerrysharon.butler...>
Subject: Re: sandhill cranes and request for bird ID
My first impression was a cooper's hawk. But it seems to fit the photo of
a juvenile Mississippi Kite in my Sibley best. That would be out of season
though. Nice find. Was it in the area where you see the cranes?

On Fri, Feb 14, 2025 at 10:12 PM Renn Tumlison <TUMLISON...> wrote:

> The sandhill cranes in Arkadelphia (Hasley Rd., best viewed from at
> approx. 34.0804, -93.0519 looking west) are continuing still (15 seen
> today, need binoculars or scope to appreciate them usually, and most likely
> seen in evening about 4:30).
> Also, can anyone offer some help with ID of the bird in the attached
> photo? It was about the size of a kestrel or merlin, but markings were
> limited and the grayish head didn't have clear markings. Maybe a juvenile
> sharpshin? Thanks for any insights!
> Renn Tumlison
> Emeritus Professor of Biology and Curator of Vertebrates
> Henderson State University
> Arkadelphia, AR 71999
> <tumlison...>
> 870 230 5152
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