Date: 2/16/25 1:08 pm
From: Zach Poland <zachapoland...>
Subject: Short-billed (Mew) Gull, Lake Yahola, Tulsa
I had a 2nd Winter Short-billed Gull this morning at Lake Yahola. It and
most of the other gulls picked up off the lake and left about 11:45 am. It
would be worthwhile to continue to check. Below is a link to my checklist.;!!GNU8KkXDZlD12Q!53Bc1E_1XZbrrutuLoC7Z_gDEBm_DQIbPnbReJbA4geJA9dLItf7nQRpeCibgoKy5Xolhafoce1Bhvmh9lv4ZKk$ [ebird[.]org]


Zach Poland

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