Date: 2/15/25 12:09 pm
From: Nick Bolgiano <nickbolgiano...>
Subject: Short-eared Owls in the PA CBC
Recent reports of Short-eared Owls are consistent with the relatively high
count in the recent Christmas Bird Count. 25 Short-eared Owls have been
reported so far from 56 sites (2/3 of the expected 84 sites).

The 10-year state-wide average is 12, and some of the more recent high
counts were:

- 29 in 2017
- 30 in 2003
- 43 in 1999

So, a good count so far, with 9 Short-eared Owls from Clarion and 3 each
from Bedford Co, Butler Co, Dallas Area, and Juniata Co.

Nick Bolgiano
State College

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