Date: 2/15/25 11:26 am From: <lehman.paul...> via <lehman.paul...> Subject: [SanDiegoRegionBirding] Louisiana Waterthrush, etc
I had the continuing Louisiana Waterthrush in Solana Beach this morning, Saturday, on two occasions about an hour apart, and I now see the Paul Marvin also had it earlier in the morning. But both my encounters were essentially heard only, as it called several times on each bout. During the second encounter, I saw a shadowy silhouette fly under some overhanging branches, but that's as close as I came to seeing it. So it's still being a total pain. Both times I had it it was adjacent to the gap between the two office buildings or immediately downstream from there.
In other news, I also had a new Western Tanager elsewhere in Solana Beach this morning, and yesterday a bunch of us were seawatching at La Jolla and had a nice southbound flight of Rhinoceros Auklets totaling around 150 birds or so. This agrees with other notable Rhino flights seen elsewhere in Southern California recently.
Paul Lehman, San Diego
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