Date: 2/14/25 11:03 pm From: Andrew Core <tucsonrba...> Subject: [AZNMbirds] RBA Tucson, AZ - 14 February 2025
Hello Birders,
This update of Tucson Audubon Society's Rare Bird Alert for Southeast
Arizona was made on February 14, 2025; the next update will be made on
February 21. Email your reports to rarebirdalert AT
SEVERAL IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS follow the sightings, including information
on temporary closures and rules for access to other important birding
areas. Abbreviation "m.ob." = multiple observers. An asterisk (*)
preceding a species name in the list indicates that it merits careful, full
documentation. A pound sign (#) indicates that brief corroborating details
are warranted. Documentation and photos of review species may be submitted
at<domain...> A list of review
species can be found here:<domain...>
An *AMERICAN WOODCOCK was reported from Empire Gulch on 2/14 (Marie Davis,
Kathy Ellwood). There is one accepted state record, from Portal in 2021.
A #GREATER SCAUP continued at the Amado STP this week (m.ob.).
A #GREATER SCAUP continued at the Green Valley Country Club Estates this
week (David Griffin).
In Madera Canyon (map:<domain...>), a #LOUISIANA WATERTHRUSH
continued in the lower part of the canyon on 1/17 (m.ob.). The #BERYLLINE
HUMMINGBIRD continued sporadically at the Santa Rita Lodge after being seen
at the Madera Kubo last week.
In Florida Canyon (annotated map:<domain...>), a #RUFOUS-CAPPED
WARBLER continued this week (m.ob.), and a #GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW
continued in the same area as well (m.ob.). Directions: About 400 yards
from parking lot is a metal gate, and just past the gate the canyon forks.
The main trail follows the East Fork, but almost sightings have been in the
West Fork to the right. About 125 yards up the rough trail in the West Fork
is a large water tank and a low dam. The oak grove is about 1/3 mile past
the dam. Note: The trail for the West Fork can be difficult to find, and is
steep and rough in places. If you see the sign with distances to Florida
Saddle, Madera Canyon, etc you've missed the turn. Do not enter the
research station.
A #VARIED THRUSH continued at the San Martin de Porres Catholic Church at
15440 S Santa Rita Rd in Sahuarita on 2/14 (m.ob.) at the fountain and in
the pecan trees east of the building; please be aware of any services in
At the San Pedro House, a #LOUISIANA WATERTHRUSH continued this week
(m.ob.). A #HARRIS’S SPARROW continued through 2/12 (m.ob.).
An #EASTERN PHOEBE continued at the Ajo STP this week (m.ob.).
A #YELLOW-THROATED WARBLER continued near the University of Arizona on 2/11
(Nate Peterson); it moved slightly, to the Community Garden at 1400 E Mabel
A #TENNESSEE WARBLER continued at the Nogales City Hall on 2/9 (m.ob.).
An #ORCHARD ORIOLE continued in SaddleBrooke on 2/14 (Bob Bowers).
A #STREAK-BACKED ORIOLE continued through 2/14 (m.ob.) in pecan trees on
Fast Track Rd, halfway between Green Reservoir & Curtis Rds.
RAMSEY CANYON - Ramsey Canyon Preserve is closed Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
ASH CANYON BIRD SANCTUARY: open dawn to dusk EXCEPT Thursday, when open
noon to dusk. Parking is limited; please carpool whenever possible. No need
to call ahead.
FORT HUACHUCA - access requirements are posted on its official webpage at<domain...> The Visitor Control Center is located at the Van Deman Gate on Hwy 90. The
fort is an active military installation and will suspend your driving
privileges on Post for 30 days on your first offense for talking or using a
cell phone while driving. You MUST use a hands free device. Current entry
requirements (subject to change without notice): US citizens must pass a
background check and should be prepared to show photo ID for everyone in
the vehicle at the entrance, and possibly your vehicle registration and
insurance as well. Sometimes, foreign nationals are required to have an
approved military escort; contact the base (520.533.7111), or possibly the
Sierra Vista Visitor's Bureau (520.417.6960) well in advance. ACCESS NOTE:
a REAL ID is required for entry; some state driver's licenses qualify; see<domain...> for details.
SANTA CRUZ FLATS: Management at the Evergreen Turf Sod Farm has asked
birders not to drive into the property (i.e., the 2750 road); birding from
perimeter roads (i.e., Tweedy or Pretzer) is still fine.
AVRA VALLEY WRF: Gates open at 8AM and close PROMPTLY at 2PM (do not
linger, you will be locked inside). Access subject to change without notice.
GREEN VALLEY WRF: Open 7 AM - 2 PM. Use the call box at the gate, follow
the signs for parking, and stay away from buildings and construction
equipment. Access subject to change without notice.
CORONA DE TUCSON WRF and NOGALES STP: Closed to entry; some facilities may
be viewed from outside the fence.