Date: 2/14/25 8:12 pm From: Renn Tumlison <TUMLISON...> Subject: sandhill cranes and request for bird ID
The sandhill cranes in Arkadelphia (Hasley Rd., best viewed from at approx. 34.0804, -93.0519 looking west) are continuing still (15 seen today, need binoculars or scope to appreciate them usually, and most likely seen in evening about 4:30).
Also, can anyone offer some help with ID of the bird in the attached photo? It was about the size of a kestrel or merlin, but markings were limited and the grayish head didn't have clear markings. Maybe a juvenile sharpshin? Thanks for any insights!
Renn Tumlison
Emeritus Professor of Biology and Curator of Vertebrates
Henderson State University
Arkadelphia, AR 71999
870 230 5152