Date: 2/14/25 5:58 pm
From: Gene Hess <gene...>
Subject: [de-birds] Call for articles to Delaware Ornithologist

This a call for articles for the Delaware Ornithologist. You do not have to
be a member to submit, but it would be appreciated if you were.

Subject matter can include anything bird related that would be of interest
to the DO reader. It should preferably include information related to
Delaware birds or the local region. This can include interesting
observations, behavior, data analysis, rare or unusual bird reports,
nesting of uncommon species etc. Anything interesting about Delaware or the
region's birds is fair game.

Get your manuscript to me or one of the editors listed below as early as
possible. The more complicated the article is, e.g tables, graphs, photos
etc the earlier the Managing Editor and I have it the better. The editorial
team is there to help you. Help may include finding literature to make
paper stronger, help with style, organization etc. Length can range from a
paragraph or two to several pages. Don't worry about length, the editors
can help with that if needed. If you need help with photos the Photo Editor
can help. A style guide for authors is available on request.

The preferred submission date is the end of June, but can be later if the
layout is simple. The drop dead date is 15 Aug for all but the briefest
text only articles/notes (check with the Managing or Executive Editor).

Executive Editor Gene K Hess (<ornithologist...> or
Associate Editors: Christopher Heckscher (<checkscher...>) and John
Janowski (<jsbirders...>).
Photo Editor Mike Moore (<publications...>)

Thank you,


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