Date: 2/14/25 4:21 pm From: Edmund LeGrand (via carolinabirds Mailing List) <carolinabirds...> Subject: Come bird the gamelands in Virginia (and Delaware)—DON’T
It seems like having to get a permit to visit gamelands in NC is popular.
So how does someone just briefly visiting or passing through manage? One of
my memorable introductions to Virginia a few years ago involved checking
out a wildlife management area. I was greeted by a big wooden sign saying
“WELCOME” followed by “Entry by permit only. Apply at …. .gov.” No way to
pay at the site.
A couple of years ago when I was birding in coastal Delaware, I wanted to
check out the famous Assawoman Wildlife Management Area—same thing (without
the “Welcome” on the sign). No way to pay on site.
In Virginia we even have nasty red signs at boat launches saying to pay the
access (for parking) fee online. (Good luck getting to the Shenandoah River
in my area without advance planning. There’s always the state park for a
$10 entrance fee—at least you can pay somebody on the spot.)