Date: 2/14/25 4:12 pm
From: gregg_recer via <gregg_recer...>
Subject: Re: [hmbirds] Ross' Goose on Southard Rd, 1.5 miles uphill from Fish creek Marina.
Cathy Graichen and I tried for the ross' goose this afternoon without any luck. Although the only mention here was Ron's from yesterday afternoon on Southard Rd, there are ebird reports of the bird from Fish Creek Marina going back to the 12th, almost all in the morning.  We tried both those spots, other farm roads out in that part of Saratoga County, Hudson Crossing (much more ice than a week+ ago and no geese) and the Hudson at Stillwater where there were plenty of Canadas, but no other geese.

If others should come across the bird again, brief posts to HMBirds would be helpful and appreciated.

gregg recer
malta NY

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