Date: 2/14/25 1:34 pm From: Jennifer Outlaw Coulson via <jenniferocoulson...> Subject: [labird] Tuesday: Chloe St. Germain-Vermillion talks about Coastal Bird Surveys
All are welcome to attend the Orleans Audubon Society's February meeting
and lecture. I thought this topic would be of particular interest! --
Jennifer Coulson, OAS President
*Audubon Coastal Bird Surveys in Louisiana* Speaker: Chloe St.
Tuesday, February 18
6:30 p.m. social, 7:00 p.m. program
Community Church Unitarian Universalist, 6690 Fleur de Lis (Lakeview) in
New Orleans.
Chloe St. Germain-Vermillion is Audubon Delta’s Coastal Bird Technician, an
Orleans Audubon Society Board Member, and a Committee Member for the
Louisiana Bird Records Committee. Working primarily in Southeastern
Louisiana, Chloe has been monitoring coastal populations of breeding Least
Terns, Common Nighthawks, and Wilson’s Plovers for the past 3 years. She is
also responsible for coordinating the Audubon Coastal Bird Survey in
Louisiana and running the New Orleans Rooftop-Nesting Bird Program in
partnership with Orleans Audubon Society.
The Audubon Coastal Bird Survey (ACBS) provides scientists with valuable
data for addressing conservation needs of coastal waterbirds and shorebirds
along the Gulf Coast. As Audubon Delta’s Coastal Bird Technician for
Louisiana, Chloe is responsible for conducting and coordinating these
surveys in coastal Louisiana during the spring, fall and winter. During
this presentation, you will discover what it takes to conduct a coastal
bird survey, learn some shorebird ID tips, and find out how you can become
involved as a volunteer surveyor!