Date: 2/13/25 2:10 pm
From: <krothnelson...> via Tweeters <tweeters...>
Subject: [Tweeters] Upcoming Bird Programs with North Cascades Institute
Hi there,
North Cascades Institute has many upcoming bird-related programs taking place from the Salish Sea to the Methow Valley and online:
- Finding their Way: How Birds Migrate (Online):
- Wednesday, March 19, from 5:45 - 7:00 PM
- This online class taught by well-known naturalist and birding expert David Lukas will help answer the many puzzling questions about bird migration.
- The class is only $10 to attend, and if you can’t make this particular date, you will receive the recording link to view the program at your convenience.

- Spring Birding on the Snow Goose (Boating Excursion):
- Saturday, May 10, from 8:30 AM - 03:00 PM
- With an expert guide, explore the waters of Bellingham Bay, Lummi Island and surrounding areas aboard the Snow Goose in search of harlequin, long-tailed ducks, pacific loons, black oystercatchers, surf scoters and more! 
- This boating excursion is $215 to attend. Scholarships and discounts may be available.

- Spring Birding in the Methow Valley (Overnight Field Trip):
- Friday, June 6 at 9:00 AM - Sunday, June 8 at 1:00 PM
- Join birding expert Libby Mills for an immersive exploration of seasonal birdlife in the Methow Valley, a region rich in biodiversity, to observe fascinating breeding behaviors and melodious birdsong. 
- This overnight field trip costs $350 to attend and includes expert instruction, in-program transportation, and up to 3 nights camping at Pearrygin Lake. Only a few spots left!

- North Cascades Natural History Seminar (Overnight Learning Center Seminar):
- Friday, September 5 at 10:00 AM - Sunday, September 7 at 1:00 PM
- Join expert naturalist, tracker, and educator Chris Byrd to explore the North Cascades ecosystem and develop a strong foundation in regional wildlife, geology, ecology, climate, and tracking.
- This immersive seminar costs between $345-625 and includes 2 nights lodging at the beautiful North Cascades Environmental Learning Center, all meals, in-program transportation, and use of naturalist tools. Scholarships and discounts may be available.

Learn more and sign up today at or (360) 854-2599.
Kim Nelson, she/her/hersNorth Cascades Institute | Development & Executive Coordinator
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