Date: 2/13/25 1:31 pm From: M Howell (via carolinabirds Mailing List) <carolinabirds...> Subject: Re: Conservation Access Pass Proposed by NCWRC
I have been to states that require fees or a Duck Stamp for entry into wildlife refuges and similar areas. Wouldn't this, an established and known program, work for NC and SC?
I agree Nate! I'm sure Dr. Tom Mullikin, SC's new Exec Director of DNR has his hands full. I wonder if he heard from all the bird clubs and Audubons around the state of SC if he might consider putting this kind of action on his agenda.
As President of Hilton Head Audubon, I'm ready to stir up some energy for this!
Hilton Head
Kay Grinnell
843 597-3633 cell
On Thursday, February 13, 2025 at 01:47:10 PM EST, Nate Dias" (via carolinabirds Mailing List) <carolinabirds...> wrote:
"These days I prefer to hunt with a camera. A good photograph demands more skill from the hunter, better nerves and more patience than the rifle shot." -- Bror Blixen
On Thu, Feb 13, 2025 at 1:11 PM "J. Merrill Lynch" <carolinabirds...><mailto:<carolinabirds...>> wrote:
I agree this would be a good thing to support. Many other states already have a special permit for access to public gamelands. A requirement to wear blaze orange during hunting season would be a sensible addition.
And I also agree it would give the non-hunting community a bigger seat at the table on decisions regarding public lands management.
J. Merrill Lynch
Echo Valley Farm
Watauga County, NC
Elevation: 3,400 feet
On Thu, Feb 13, 2025 at 11:16 AM Ann Robertson <carolinabirds...><mailto:<carolinabirds...>> wrote:
Dear Carolinabirders,
In this morning's Coastal Review, I read about an exciting proposal from the NC Wildlife Resources Commission to offer a "Conservation Access Pass". This would be the birder equivalent of a hunting / fishing license, and would renew annually. The pass would provide entry to 2 million acres of gameland, boating access areas, and more. It is not limited to birders; a range of recreational uses are mentioned
There are three public meetings across the state, coming up soon. There's also a VIRTUAL meeting on March 4th, for which you may register.
I was told a while back by a politically experienced birder that one reason birders don't carry as much weight with state officials as hunters is that we don't contribute to the public till with special taxes, licenses, etc. Apparently, at one time a "birders' tax" was proposed on items such as binoculars, birdseed, etc., that would have fed into conservation. Our flock apparently did not endorse this, sadly.