Date: 2/13/25 12:04 pm From: WANG PEGGY <00000454f4164bea-dmarc-request...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] Hoover dam area Thursday
After dipping on the Red-throated Loon, I stopped at several places along Hoover reservoir to check for waterfowl hoping of course that the loon might somehow end up there but were no loons, just some ducks. There were at least three male and one female Com Goldeneye & a raft of Ruddies. Several Com Mergansers, some Red-breasted as well as Hoodies. One immature Bald Eagle was sitting on the ice and a perched Red-tailed Hawk was being mobbed by bluejays at Redbank marina.
Not much at the spillway, except mallards and a couple gadwall. The only gulls I saw were Ring-billed.
Peggy Wang
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