Date: 2/13/25 8:41 am
From: Rick Gedney via CTBirds <ctbirds...>
Subject: [CT Birds] Re: CTBirds Digest, Vol 6458, Issue 1 - Rusty Blackbird

Great photos of the Rusty Blackbird! I am heading over there today. That bird appears to be channelling a Dipper going for nymphs and naiads in a stream.

To answer your question to the group I think that prey looks like a Stonefly Nymph. I would expect Caddisfly Nymph in those quieter waters but the insect looks lighter tan more like a Stonefly Nymph.

Rick Gedney

Message: 5
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2025 03:44:35 +0000
From: "<imbercj...> <mailto:<imbercj...>" <imbercj...> <mailto:<imbercj...>>
Subject: [CT Birds] Madison Rusty Blackbird
To: CT Birds <ctbirds...> <mailto:<ctbirds...>>
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Yesterday at Bauer Farm in Madison I found a Rusty Blackbird foraging in a stream. The bird didn't mind my presence at all, and it ended up getting quite close to me.

Some pictures and notes are in my eBird report: <>

Perhaps someone can identify the prey food seen in its beak in the last photo!

Chuck Imbergamo
CT Birds Moderator

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