Date: 2/12/25 4:13 pm
From: Scott Loss <scottrloss...>
Subject: Possible Slaty-backed Gull - Stillwater
I found a possible/probable first cycle Slaty-backed Gull at Boomer Lake in
Stillwater this afternoon. It stuck around for several birders to see it,
but anyone chasing should know that Boomer Lake doesn't hold gulls
overnight - typically all the gulls commute to Lake Carl Blackwell in the
evening and then return in the morning to loaf and make forays north to the
Stillwater dump. So it could return in the morning but who knows (and Lake
Carl Blackwell would be a good backup option to check if not).

Pics and ID notes are in the below ebird list and also note thay I am
seeking feedback from gull experts on this challenging ID (early comment is
supportive of Slaty-backed ID).;!!GNU8KkXDZlD12Q!8G-DXVHXXKqMG9zSU6pnQBD4NvzsNe1jIkZYzgTCm5KqPFIg0OsEk0bFBhwRpR_1IZmN2Bvp6Gp9YNof9sjrVA$ [ebird[.]org]

Scott Loss

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