Date: 2/12/25 2:20 pm
From: Sandra Keller <000007a762f332b7-dmarc-request...>
Subject: [Ohio-birds] Warren and Clinton - slow
But open water! Yea! Will probably freeze up again next week….. Crazy
Winter. I only had 1/2 day. But in looking at the forecast, thought I had better
Head up now! Wigeon and pintail at Spring valley. Both new for the big year.
Pintail new for Warren. I was scanning those geese up there well - I had some
Interesting ones, but none I could safely call Cackling. One in particular was
Intriguing - medium sized, whiter looking back, longer primary projection
Than the surrounding Canadas. Chest was white though. And I never saw the
Bill and head well, bird was roosting. Sigh….. I am striking at with sapsucker.
And Fox sparrow. Ditto in Clinton. And Gleason Quarry and Cowan lake were
Almost devoid of waterfowl.

Good birding all.

Sandra Keller

Sent from my iPad mini

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