Date: 2/12/25 2:18 pm From: merav vonshak via <meravvon...> Subject: [southbaybirds] Phainopepla at the Hellyer BioBlitz on Sunday 2/9
Hi all,
We had our seasonal BioBlitz event at Hellyer Park (San Jose) this Sunday, and in addition to at least 25 other bird species ( ) , we saw a PHAINOPEPLA on one of the large valley oaks near Cottonwood Lake. You can view my photos and the approximate location on the iNaturalist observation ( ). This event was hosted by KCCB, SCVBA, POST, and BioBlitz Club.
You can learn more about our events on my website - BioBlitz Club ( ). I host BioBlitz events in parks and preserves, mostly in the South Bay. I often partner with SCVBA and KCCB, among others. Join us - we'd love to get more birders with us!
Do not disclose information that identifies the location of nesting birds of any species, to minimize stress on the nesting birds and the risk of vandalism or abuse.