Date: 2/12/25 12:49 pm
From: Juliana Manoliu via <manojuli...>
Subject: [southbaybirds] Palo Alto birding
this morning 2-12-25 I started on the San Francisquito creek trail. The
best bird was a */Greater white-fronted goose /*in a flock of Canada
geese on the trail past the Friendship bridge. Unfortunately a dog
walked by at the wrong time and flushed all the geese to the edge of the
creek. Other birds of interest: */American kestrel/*, 2-3 */American
pipits/*, 2 */American wigeon/* and many */Green wing teal/*. Upon my
return there was a */Spotted sandpiper/* on the far side of the creek.

Had a short stop at the Palo Alto Baylands where a */White-tailed kite/*
was hovering close to my car before I got out of the car and it
disappeared quickly. A close */Long-billed curlew/* was nice to see and
many other species were feeding on the mud on the side and back of the
duck pond. Missed the tide height I wanted.

Juliana Manoliu

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