Date: 2/11/25 8:26 am
From: Anthony Metcalf via <ametcalf...>
Subject: [inlandcountybirds] Two Solitary Sandpipers at Salt Creek Feb 9 Comments
Hi all,

It was of interest to see Paul Lehman’s post on two Solitary Sandpipers
that he and Sally Veach observed at Whelan Lake on Monday, Feb 10. On
February 9th Bob Packard reported two Solitary Sandpipers at Salt Creek, in
Riverside County near Menifee. The SBVAS Field trip was at the nearby San
Jacinto Wildlife Area and so a number of individuals were able to arrive at
Salt Creek to see the birds. To my knowledge this is the first record of
February Solitary Sandpiper in the region, much less two individuals.(
Tony Metcalf

Anthony Metcalf
Department of Biology
California State University, San Bernardino
5500 University Parkway
San Bernardino, CA 92407
(909) 537-7501
FAX: (909) 537-7038

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