Date: 2/11/25 8:17 am From: Eric Wier via <franknwier...> Subject: [slocobirding] SLO County Listers
Do you keep track of the number of San Luis Obispo County birds on your life list? If so, you might enjoy the "SLO CO Listers" page, which resides on Morro Coast Audubon Society's website. Check it out here: Past MCAS President Mike Stiles maintained this list for many, many years, and I have volunteered to continue (with the help of MCAS Communications Chair Joanne Aasen). If you're interested in seeing your SLO CO bird numbers on the Listers page, please let me know, and I'll add your name and number of birds. There's also room for a few brief comments, e.g. your 200th or 300th County bird, notable sightings, etc. Also, if you're currently on the Listers page, and you want to be removed, or want me to change any of your information (updated numbers, text), please let me know.
It may take a few weeks for us to get things up to speed, so please have patience.