Date: 2/11/25 7:19 am From: <badgerboy...> Subject: Re: [External] Re: Spring bird counts in the Carolinas
Bob and all,
Just FYI Marylin Westphal from Asheville, used to compile Spring Bird Counts and submit the results to the Chat. She recommended that counts included in the compilation follow some rules similar to CBC's, such as all participants must be known before the count, and territories must be agreed on to avoid double counting. Not sure if she's still doing this though. I don't know if that qualifies as "coordinating" but its the closest thing I've heard of.
And, just to add to what CC King posted, the atlas will benefit a lot from all checklists submitted to the portal, even if they're not in priority blocks, so I encourage everyone to change their ebird portal to the atlas, no matter where in NC you bird. Its easier that way and you only have to do it once.
Guy (McGrane, Boone NC, and region 7 volunteer coordinator NCBA)
> > On Thu, Feb 6, 2025 at 11:27 AM Robert Lewis > <carolinabirds...> wrote: > > Who is responsible for coordinating the spring bird counts? > > Bob Lewis > Durham NC > > >