Date: 2/1/25 9:08 pm From: Colleen Richards <clr82...> Subject: [cayugabirds-l] Cayuga Bird Club February meeting
Come join us for the Cayuga Bird Club's monthly meeting on Monday, February 10 at 7:30. Meeting at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology at 7:30 for a presentation by Matt Young, "The Evening Grosbeak Road to Recovery Project" and "The Stokes Guide to Finches of the United States and Canada". Evening Grosbeak Road to Recovery ProjectWith a 92% decline since 1970, Evening Grosbeak (Coccothraustes vespertinus) was cited as the steepest declining landbird in the continental United States and Canada in the Partners in Flight 2016 Landbird Conservation Plan. Matt will talk briefly about the new Cayuga Bird Club collaboration on the Evening Grosbeak Road to Recovery Project, and then introduce his new book. Stokes Guide to Finches of the United States and CanadaFrom backyards to wilderness peaks, finches are some of the most exciting, mysterious, and popular group of songbirds. In this information-packed book, Lillian Stokes, best-selling author of 35 Stokes guides, and finch expert Matthew Young will introduce you to the 43 finches of the United States and Canada from feeder-favorite goldfinches to Red Crossbill tribes, to least known mountain-top Black Rosy-Finches to endangered Hawaiian honeycreepers. The Stokes Guide to Finches of the United States and Canada will cover detailed finch identification, language, behavior, irruptions, specialized maps and foraging charts on crossbills, how to conserve finches, and much more. Infused throughout with quotes from the creative Quick Take chapter intros, filled with interesting facts, scientific knowledge, and stunning photos, this book will leave you understanding so much more about the finches you thought you knew. About the Speaker: Matthew Young is a co-lead on the Evening Grosbeak Road to Recovery Project in addition to being the Founder and Board President of the Finch Research Network. Matthew worked in the field of social work with special needs populations at the William George Agency for 12+ years and is currently a Wild Bird Products Specialist and Conservation Coordinator for Aspen Song Wild Bird Food. Additionally, Matthew worked at the Cornell Lab across 15 years where he worked on Golden-winged Warblers, Voices of Hawaii’s Birds, Merlin Bird ID, and was Project Lead on the Lab’s first Irruptive Finch Survey in 1999. Widely known as a preeminent authority on finches of North America, he has written finch species accounts for breeding bird atlases, Birds of the World accounts as well as publishing several papers on finches and the Red Crossbill vocal complex. Book Signing: Matt will be present for a book signing from 7:00pm-7:30pm, before the start of the meeting. A limited number of his books may be purchased at the Wild Birds Unlimited store that will be open that night from 6:45 to 7:30pm as well as during their regular hours (Tuesday-Sunday 10am-4pm). Or you may order in advance from another bookseller.
There will be a speaker dinner with Matt at Sumo Restaurant at 5 pm. Please note this earlier time due to the early opening of the building and the Wild Birds Unlimited Store as well as the book signing at 7 pm. Please rsvp to <clr82...> by noon on Monday, Feb. 10 if you would like to attend the dinner. Looking forward to seeing many of you then.Colleen RichardsCorresponding SecretaryCayuga Bird Club Cayuga Bird Club meetings are held on the second Monday of each month, September through June, and are free and open to the public. In-person meetings are held at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, 159 Sapsucker Woods Road. The evening starts with social time at 7:00pm, the reading of the bird list at 7:20pm, and club business at 7:30pm, followed by the speaker's presentation starting around 8:00pm and ending by 9:00pm. We will attempt to make presentations available virtually as a recording posted a few days later, on our YouTube channel @cayugabirdclub.
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