Date: 1/29/25 1:11 pm
From: Eric Banford <brew_bird...>
Subject: [cayugabirds-l] Fw: Avian flu on Seneca Lake
----- Forwarded Message ----- From: Gay Nicholson <gaynicholson...>To: Sustainable Finger Lakes <sustainablefingerlakes-l...>Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2025 at 03:55:07 PM ESTSubject: Avian flu on Seneca Lake
News from Seneca Lake Pure Waters:
Avian Flu Confirmed in Dead Snow Geese Around Seneca Lake
This is a follow-up regarding the ongoing Avian Influenza situation. We’ve received multiple reports of dead snow geese along the shoreline, starting in Romulus and now spreading to Cottonwood Cove, Kashong Point, and the north end of the lake. At Kashong Point alone, an estimated 50-60 geese have been found along just a few properties, but the total number of affected birds is likely much higher across the region.
These geese have tested positive for Avian Influenza, and other bird species may also be at risk. We are working closely with local officials and DEC staff to manage the removal of these birds.
If you find dead birds:▪ Avoid direct contact (wear gloves if necessary)▪ Keep pets and children away▪ Report findings to the NYSDEC wildlife hotline (585-226-5380) or use the Avian Influenza Reporting Form:
Read more:
Gay Nicholson, Ph.D.
Sustainable Finger Lakes(formerly Sustainable Tompkins)
309 N. Aurora St.
Ithaca, NY 14850
607-220-8991 (cell)
607-272-1720 (SFLX office)

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