Date: 1/28/25 11:37 am
From: Grove, Deborah Shuey <dsg4...>
Subject: Dorothy Bordner
For those outside of central PA you may not know that Dorothy Bordner a well-known Birder in our area has passed on.
She is known for many things including offices in the State College Bird Club including president and as I remember her, treasurer for many years.
She was a bander. A writer and artist. She did bird surveys. Participated in Breeding Bird Atlases. She assisted Merrill Wood, a prominent birder of our region
She had other interests that you can read about in the obit
Her mother Blanche was one of the founding members of the club and was still birding at 100.
We have missed her for many years when her health no longer permitted her to attend meetings

Deborah S. Grove

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