Date: 1/27/25 1:09 pm
From: Peter Saracino <petersaracino...>
Subject: [cayugabirds-l] Refuge Winter World Walks Continue This Saturday
Hi all.
An invitation to all brave and hardy (and hearty!) souls to join us at the
Montezuma Refuge's Visitor Center this coming Saturday, February 1st, at 10
am for a winter adventure. I invite you to momentarily leave the indoor
tropical weather we create around ourselves for a venture into Winter
World. Learn the reason for the season and how and where various and sundry
organisms are testing their mettle in some very creative ways against a
very harsh environment.
Not only that, the walk may even do you good! (Smile).
Hope to see you there.
P.S. this is the first of four walks to be conducted throughout February.
Pete Saracino/Refuge Volunteer Naturalist/New York State Master Naturalist


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