Date: 1/27/25 11:53 am From: Robert Snyder <birdphotoginpa...> Subject: Bald Eagle SP Christmas Bird Count Summary
Hello All,
The 125st Audubon Christmas Bird Count was held at Bald Eagle SP
(PABE Circle) on 12/29/2024. It was the 44th year for the BESP CBC,
started in 1980. This is my 20th year as compiler for the PABE Circle (I
started in Dec 2004; phew, where'd the time go?). The center of the circle
is at the only traffic light in Howard and encompasses the Marsh Creek
Valley and surrounding roads, west side of Beech Creek north to the
village of Moshannon, Bald Eagle Valley from I-80 to the Blanchard area
including Bald Eagle SP, Curtin Hollow Rd, Curtin Village, Curtin Wetlands,
Bald Eagle Creek from Dowdy's Hole to Bullit Run, Route 64 from Zion to the
Lamar Fish hatchery and surrounding areas (Circle map attached below).
We had 20 observers in the field in 11 groups, who put in a total of
48.25 party hours. The total *number of species found was 63* (around the
average), with a *total of 6,362 individuals* counted.
There was one *Count Week Species* (three days prior and after count
day): *1 Great Egret* that was seen at or close to the Marina area by a
total of 10 observers. A rare bird report was required and was submitted
with photographs and eBird reports from all observers. Another rare bird
report was sent for a lone Bonaparte's Gull that was seen in the park on
Count Day. Copies of both rare bird reports are attached below.
(Note that a pdf summary of the PABE results is also attached below.)
Weather for Count Day: heavy fog until nearly noon, basically no snow
cover, ice on the lake with open stretches of water. The temperature was
39º F in the morning and reached 59º in the afternoon and the wind was calm.
The most unusual species for Count Day, or count week was the *Great
Egret*. The only previous occurrence of Great Egret was in 2023, when three
of the birds were seen during December, on Count Day and a few days into
A large open stretch of water observed from the vicinity of the dam,
held 100 *American Black Ducks* and 150 *Mallards*. A *Merlin* was reported
from the main park area (Ro Fuller, Susan Braun and Nora Serotkin). Merlins
have only been reported during 4 Counts over the past 44 years: 1 2018, 2
2021, 2 2023 and of course the single falcon that was reported this year in
the main park area.
*American Tree Sparrow* numbers have been up and down over the 44
years of this count and in decline since 2005. The highest numbers of ATSP
were seen during these counts: 1993- 352, 1994- 453, 1995- 359 and 1996-
320. During three recent CBC's, numbers of ATSPs were extremely low: 2021-
21, 2022- 8 and 2023- 16, though for this year's count 117 were observed.
See attached a pdf showing the ATSP data with a graph (from Audubon CBC
historic data).
Two birds that 'stuck out' to me were *Turkey Vulture* and *Black
Vulture*. Vultures have rarely been documented during the BESP CBC's over
the last 44 years, but they both did appear, each in four previous
count years. Past *Black Vulture* entries included 1992- 1, 2001-10, 2005-
11 and recently *2024- 3*. Data for *Turkey Vulture *sightings included;
2001- 3, 2005- 1, 2015- 5 and for this year, *2024-13*.
I looked at *Horned Lark*, being curious if any upward or downward
trend could be seen in their numbers over all years of the PABE Circle.
Sixty-five Horned Larks were seen during the 2024 count, reported by Joe
Bishop from Route D which follows the Jacksonville Road west from the I-80
overpass east through farm fields to Cedar Springs just inside Clinton
County. There were 21 obs of Horned Lark between 1981 - 2019. Numbers for
HOLA ranged from a low of 1 in 20021 to a high of 270 in 2003 and
everywhere else in between over those 21 CBC's. The summary graph and list
from the CBC database is attached below.
*Wild Turkeys* were extremely low in number for the circle this
year; only 2 birds were observed by Diane Bierly in the Marsh Creek valley
(the highest count for Wild Turkey was 491 in 2013).
Seven *Eastern Screech-Owls* were the only owls reported during the Count;
by Diane Bierly from the Marsh Creek route. Species (other than those
discussed above) with only one individual counted included *Ruddy Duck *(BESP),
*Pied-billed Grebe* (seen on the small pond SE of the Howard Nursey by Nick
Bolgiano), *Red-breasted Nuthatch*, *Ruby-crowned Kinglet*, *Gray
Catbird*, *Yellow-rumped
Warbler*, and *White-crowned Sparrow*.
A hearty "Thank You" goes out to everyone who participated in this year's
Count at Bald Eagle SP. Also, Good Luck to all who are presently
volunteering in the 3rd PA Bird Atlas.
Good Birding All
Bob Snyder
Compiler, PABE Circle (Bald Eagle SP)
[image: RCKI I PC290863-Enhanced-NR copy.jpg]
Golden-crowned Kinglet, East Landing in Howard: Bald Eagle SP CBC
Do the best you can, where you are, with what you have.
Theodore Roosevelt