Seem late in their winter arrival to me, but finally saw 2 Rough-legged Hawks today, fly over our place. And, have been looking during recent outings across Arco Desert & up to Challis & also snowshoeing in Wilderness Area. Never saw any Rough-leggeds during outings over several crossings from end of Dec, up until this past Fri. Very unusual, esp with an abundance of deer mice & meadow voles about, again this winter, as last year.
Saw a Ferruginous Hawk from our place last weekend & one yesterday. Numerous Red-tailed Hawks about in all diff't color phases from jet black to near completely white. Bald Eagles abound with both adultsĀ & juveniles around, along the river. Saw 5 today in as many minutes.
Interestingly, near absent this winter are Townsend's Solitaires, despite an abundance of juniper berries. Have only seen a couple & very sparingly. And, my hope for winter finches is rapidly fading, even though there are excellent cone crops at home & up in the high country I've recently visited. A surprise was a grouping of ~15 W Meadowlarks along the edge of the road near the Salmon River on outskirts of Challis last Monday.