Date: 1/26/25 1:36 pm
From: <dpsiminski...>
Subject: [AZNMbirds] Sierra Vista EOP Birding Walk
This morning, nine birders attended the birding walk at the Sierra Vista
Environmental Operations Park (EOP). The participants were from Arizona,
Minnesota and Colorado. We walked the dikes, and we saw 61 species of birds.

It was a relatively warm morning, but it was windy. So, the water birds were
their spectacular selves, but the passerines stayed low in the tumbleweeds,
grasses and cattails, and their calls were difficult to hear.
A season record high of fourteen species of duck was seen including the
continuing Hooded Merganser and a FOS Canvasback. The rare dark variant
Northern Harrier continued and dominated a brown female/immature and a second-
year male. Six Wilson’s Snipe were seen for an ebird high count. But we saw a
surprisingly low number of Red-winged Blackbirds, only three! Plus, we only
observed two Soras and no Virginia Rails. We usually see/hear 10+ Soras in
January at the EOP. Where did the rails go?

The early spring migrant or lingering fall migrant swallows were the
highlights, a FOS Tree Swallow, FOS Violet-green Swallows and the continuing
Barn Swallows.

Birding walks behind the locked gates of the Sierra Vista EOP occur every
Sunday morning. For the remaining winter month of February, the walks will
start at 8:00am. Meet early at the EOP Bird Viewing Platform to sign in with
the guide. Late arrivals will not have access behind the locked gates. Scopes
are useful. A hat and water are highly recommended.

The EOP is located just east (~ 3 miles) from Sierra Vista on AZ Hwy 90. Look
for the Brua Animal Care Center and the Wildlife Viewing signs on the
northside of Hwy 90. Turn left (north) and proceed to the bird viewing
platform. Note that Google Maps may direct you to the wrong entrance.

See you at the EOP.

See our ebird list at:

Pete Siminski
Sierra Vista AZ

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