Date: 1/25/25 7:51 pm From: Alexander Viduetsky via <alikoster...> Subject: [LACoBirds] White-throated Sparrow re-found at Descanso Gardens
Many thanks to Jeffrey Fenwick and Mary Fenwick for finding and clearly describing the location of the White-throated Sparrow at Descanso Gardens, which I re-found today (January 25, 2025) with great assistance from Lee. If interested, you may see my today's checklist with photos on ebird:
Also, if anyone was curious about what the Green Herons were preying upon in the murky waters of the small ponds at Descanso, I was able to capture a short video today that I uploaded on youtube: I'm not sure what exactly was that the Heron captured, but it seems like an invertebrate. I appreciate any comments and clarifications.
Good birding, Alexander Viduetsky Valley Village, CA