Date: 1/24/25 4:18 am
From: Tom Fiore <tomfi2...>
Subject: [nysbirds-l] Central Park, NYC -thru 1/23- Iceland & L.Bl-b Gull, Horned Larks, etc.
A Horned Grebe was a nice find off Inwood Hill Park in northern Manhattan, photographed on Wed., Jan. 22nd. Of New York County&rsquo;s multiple wintering Orange-crowned Warblers, most recently seen by multiple birders and photographers at Carl Schurz Park near Gracie mansion, this week thru Thursday, 1-23. Although a recent report of the long-staying Riverside Park Dickcissel in the forever wild sanctuary just north of the park entrance at W. 116 Street was from Monday, 1-20, the Dickcissel is fairly likely to be continuing in that vicinity, more so if feeding of birds is continuing in that area as had been done in all previous weeks this winter.
Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City - thru Thursday, January 23 -

An adult Iceland Gull was found or refound on Thursday at the Central Park reservoir. On Monday, Jan. 20, a Lesser Back-backed Gull was found at the reservoir. That last made for 7 species of gull at that reservoir in the past week.

Monday, Jan. 20th also brought a sizeable flock of Horned Larks to the park, a species rarely reported any more over or in Manhattan, however there are modern-era records as well as older records of this species including within Central Park. Some historical records may not be archived in eBird.

The long lingering Snow Goose continues to show in Central Park, where a majority of the sightings come from the reservoir - however, that goose is mobile and may show up in almost any part of the park, but particularly in the northern part, if not seen at the reservoir. Other waterfowl were still hanging in thru the deep-freeze as well, one example being a pair of very-long-lingering Green-winged Teal at the Pool in the parks n-w sector. Far more species of birds were around this week over all of the park, but one rarity, a Short-billed Gull from last Sunday on the Central Park reservoir, seen by many, was not re-found since then, so far. Close scrutiny of gulls might potentially reveal that or other rare gulls to still be visiting this park as winter rolls on.

Thanks to many keen and hardy birders and photographers for sightings and reports, via non-x alerts and via eBird, with the Macaulay library for multi media.

Good birding to all,

Tom Fiore


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