Date: 1/23/25 5:19 pm From: Amanda Newlove via <amandanewlove...> Subject: [southbaybirds] SCVBA Morning at Calero Reservoir - Fun with Grebes!
This morning our SCVBA field trip visited Calero Reservoir at the boat ramp area. It was one of those quieter days but we still found 32 species. When we emerged in the spot where the grebes usually hang out, I was a bit disappointed to find that something had spooked them away (possibly a kayaker that had just passed by). Luckily the group was up for an adventure so we walked a bit farther up and over the Saddle dam and were eventually rewarded with good views of the very large group of WESTERN and CLARKS Grebes. The grebes started perking up after a few moments and I am happy to report we all got to see several rounds of the Western/Clarks Grebes rushing on top of the water! Some other notable species: some very fluffy EARED GREBES, a couple AMERICAN PIPITS, one SPOTTED SANDPIPER, and several TREE SWALLOWS and a pair of WESTERN BLUEBIRDS already investigating the nest boxes at the trees in the picnic area.
Do not disclose information that identifies the location of nesting birds of any species, to minimize stress on the nesting birds and the risk of vandalism or abuse.