Date: 1/23/25 4:34 pm
From: Florence Sanchez via <sanchezucsb11...>
Subject: [sbcobirding] Isla vista and goleta Birding Jan 23
Steve Colwell and I birded some of Isla Vista and NCOS today.  We found the continuing Lark Bunting in the corrals and also the immature Bullock's Oriole in the nearby Eucalyptus trees.  The Rock Wren is still very much at home in the UCSB Edible Campus Garden.
We birded Camino Corto Open Space without turning up anything remarkable and also checked for the Pacific and Winter Wrens in the nearby blackberry and willow channel behind the corrals without seeing or hearing either one.
Our final stop was NCOS, which isn't very birdy right now.  However, the continuing Prairie Falcon flew over our heads while we were looking at a shorebird and we managed to notice it and Steve got photos before it left the vicinity, flying toward Girsh Park.
Florence Sanchez

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