Date: 1/23/25 1:04 pm
From: Daniel Getman <000002b3a133f539-dmarc-request...>
Subject: Large Eagle Numbers Continue along Mississippi dams
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attachments, clicking links, or responding to this email.I was at the
lock & dam at Canton, MO this past Tuesday. Although there were quite
a few eagles, it was definitely different from the week before. It
was sunny and very cold, with temperatures in the low single digits
and moderate winds from the west, which is not optimal for
photography. But I still managed some pretty good ones:

Many eagles were circling around looking for fish at a moderate height
and some were still sitting in trees. Although they were still
catching fish, there seemed to be less fish being caught. When one
did catch a fish, they were often chased by other eagles.
Then I noticed the dam was not releasing water. I would guess that
water being released stirs things up and perhaps makes the fish more
visible on the surface, but who knows.
I estimated > 75 eagles and there were no where near the large number
of eagles on the Illinois side, which was the case last week. But the
counts done the next day listed 241 - so what do I. know! Counts at
other dams listed were:Keokuk, IA: 238Canton, MO: 241Quincy, IL: 39

Rock Island District > Missions > Recreation > Mississippi River
Project > Education > Eagle Watching > Eagle


Dan Getman, Kirksville, northeast MO


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