Date: 1/23/25 9:12 am
From: Donata Henry via <droome...>
Subject: [labird] More on snow birds
Thanks for sharing these lists - it's so interesting to see who is at your feeders in this wild weather!

In Abita Springs I have had a couple of Purple Finches and ONE Pine Siskin among the many goldfinches. A Red-headed Woodpecker showed up - they haven't been around our yard for awhile - along with downies, red-bellies, and a sapsucker. Chipping Sparrows but why no White-throated Sparrows? Plenty of Mourning Doves but no blackbirds of any kind. Orange-crowned Warbler and Pine Warblers eager on the suet, and like David I am seeing Yellow-rumped Warblers on the ice around the edge of the lake. They seem to be picking at something but I also observed them drinking water. They seem to have swapped places with the Common Yellowthroat who is now foraging father into the yard than usual, among the dead calico asters. The Yellow-rumps and Ruby-crowned Kinglets are also hovering to the ceiling of the porch and window panes to snap up dead spiders and gnats. Now that the snow is melting the goldfinches are foraging more on the exposed ground than the feeders. Where is the Cooper's Hawk with all of this feeder activity? Surely lurking...

Meanwhile the Pied-billed Grebes on the pond are garbling and bathing away completely un-phased.

So grateful for the snow birds and all of their entertaining behaviors!


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