Date: 1/23/25 7:25 am
From: madonna stallmann <madonnaoftheprairie...>
Subject: Re: [cayugabirds-l] Feeders, finches & disease
When you say regularly....does that mean weekly, bi-weekly, monthly....
what do you mean by regularly?

🐦 Madonna

On Thu, Jan 23, 2025, 10:18 AM Donna Lee Scott <dls9...> wrote:

> I can understand why one would think tube feeders with those little holes
> with a perch under them, where birds stick in their head to get seeds,
> hence eye contact with sides of the opening, might spread eye disease more
> readily than a platform feeder, but platform feeders are notorious for
> collecting a lot of bird poop which may have other pathogens in it.
> All feeders should be regularly washed, rinsed, then sanitized with a mild
> bleach solution & dried,
> because congregations of birds on feeders can inoculate them with
> disease-causing microbes.
> Also, a reminder: As Cayuga Bird Club member, Dr. Ton Schat, said, do not
> touch any dead birds these days, because of the risk of avian influenza in
> a dead bird.
> A few humans have contracted this disease. 1 or 2 have died.
> Also FYI: The new president of the US has now ordered gov’t agencies like
> the FDA & the CDC to stop issuing all public info announcements about
> things like Avian Influenza until such pass muster with one of his
> political appointees, who may or may not have any scientific credentials.
> Donna Scott
> Kendal at Ithaca-377
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 23, 2025, at 9:03 AM, madonna stallmann <
> <madonnaoftheprairie...> wrote:
> Hi Folks!
> I'm wondering if anyone knows of any studies done comparing the eye
> infection rate of finches using open, platform style feeders as opposed to
> tube feeders with head openings? It just seems to me that there would be
> less chance for spreading infection with open platform feeders. What do you
> think?
> 🐦 Madonna Stallmann
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