Date: 1/22/25 7:43 pm From: Florence Sanchez via <sanchezucsb11...> Subject: [sbcobirding] Greater Pewee at Ennisbrook
After several visits this winter and either coming up empty-handed or "heard, not seen" on this bird, I found it incredibly visible and cooperative this morning. As I walked in the trail, I could hear it calling loudly and when I reached the spot where where it has been seen many times (34.43615,-119.62035), I had no trouble spotting it on an oak branch just over the north side of the rail. It then flew across the trail to a tall scraggly oak on the south side of the trail where it continued to call frequently.
Eventually, it flew deeper into the woods but I heard it call off and on most of the two hours I was there. I spotted it again in the top of an oak well back in the woods and once more near the area where I originally saw it. As I was preparing to leave, it flew across the trail and caught some large insect, which it took to a small eucalyptus tree and devoured before it flew away again.
There was a lot of activity in the area this morning, especially by warblers and other small birds. I also saw several wrens (both Bewick's and House) but did not turn up a Pacific Wren. I also heard the "Pit-i-tuck" all of the elusive Summer Tanager just once and failed to get a visual on this bird.
Florence Sanchez