Date: 1/22/25 4:16 pm From: Sandra Keller <000007a762f332b7-dmarc-request...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] SW Ohio - big freeze up birding
Only it wasn’t a really big freeze up. Yes, more ice, but not enough to drive
Rare waterfowl down to the Ohio river. I enjoyed scanning from the Kentucky
Side. I drove a friend to cvg, and stayed in Kentucky for the morning. Goal
Was Horned Lark - no….. did pick up Purple Finch and Tree Sparrow for the
After a mid day break to warm up and eat, I headed to Butler county - that lower
Level dam area on the Great Miami stays open a lot. The water pouring over
The dam I presume. Hooded Mergs, bufflehead, mallards, gadwall. I spent more
Time inside my car than out. Cold….. can’t see every spot there at the dam in
The car. But I do like to be warm!
Hit Furfield next - fully open. Must be very deep! Hundreds of RB gulls, I scanned
Well for other species. Nope. 2 common Mergs were new for the year. Also Ruddy
And Goldeneye there. Again, I didn’t spend too much time….. it will get warm again!
Hopefully soon!
Fernald preserve in Hamilton county is holding a week long winter birding
Festival. Lots of online presentations. Free. Check out their web site - pre registration
Is required for the zoom events. Feb. 1 to Feb. 8.
Good birding all.
Sandra Keller
Sent from my iPad mini
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