Date: 1/22/25 3:29 pm From: <sohzendeh...> Subject: [Arlington Birds] Next Bear Creek, Saugus, walk on Sunday, January 26, 2025, at 9 am; report for January 19 walk
The next walk at Bear Creek Sanctuary in Saugus is on Sunday, January 26 at 9 am. Details for attending this walk are at the end of this email.
Note that, due to recent security concerns, the gate to the plant parking lot may be shut if you arrive early. Please pull off to a safe place and wait -- someone will be along to let us in.
A small group enjoyed excellent weather conditions on the January 19 walk. Overall bird activity was slow, but the winter ground feeders (Horned Larks, Lapland Longspur, Eastern Meadowlarks) flew about incessantly and kept us busy guessing where they would land..
Here are details for attending the walk at this property on January 29:
Bear Creek is an upland sanctuary built on the WINWaste (formerly Wheelabrator) landfill at the northeast corner of Rumney Marsh in Saugus and Revere. Access information is below. Wear waterproof walking shoes and be prepared to hike 3 – 4 miles. The property is mostly very open, so be prepared for sun, wind and weather.
This walk is free and open to the public, but also note that this property is accessible by invitation only and visitors need to be chaperoned at all times. Please allow roughly 4 hours for this field trip. The actual length of the trip depends on conditions and the birds present. It's usually difficult to break up the party if you need to be somewhere in the early afternoon. Come prepared to stay with the group.
WINWaste company has graciously stocked up on some extra pairs of binoculars, so if you or someone you know wants to learn about birds and birding, come on down. Please let Geoff Wilson <s2ary...> know you're coming so we can have a head count.
Bear Creek Sanctuary access is via the WINWaste plant, 100 Salem Turnpike (Rte 107), Saugus. The rotary at the intersection of Rtes 60 and 107 is about 1½ miles southwest of the plant and about 1 mile east of Rte 1 exit on Rte 60. When traveling northeast on 107, if you go over the Ballard Street bridge (just after a set of lights) you’ve gone too far — turn back. Here is a link to google maps:
When you arrive, drive through the plant gates (unless they are closed -- see note above), park in the parking lot immediately and wait for the group. Please do not drive farther into the property without an escort.