Date: 1/22/25 3:17 pm From: Thomas Kuehl <tjk.kuehl...> Subject: Kuehl Somerset County WRS Route - 13 Raptors
Greg and All,
This is the 22nd year of running our Northeast Somerset County Route. The route is west of the Allegheny Front and except for the ending drive into the Flight 93 National Memorial the route is all north of Rt. 30. The route starts at the Somerset north border with Cambria County at Paint (Junction of Routes 56 and 601) and extends south to Buckstown on Rt. 30. Little raptor diversity on this cold day as only Red-tailed Hawks (11) and American Kestrels (2) seen today. This is, however, not unusual for this high elevation route as excepting RT’s no other species averages over .5 per year, so Janet and I were pleased with the 13 Total Raptor Count as it was 3 above the Route Average.
Tom Kuehl
Westmoreland County Compiler
County: Somerset
Name of route - Kuehl Somerset Northeast / PSO map number: 561
Date – January 21, 2025
Observers - Tom & Janet Kuehl
Survey time (minus breaks) : Hrs: 3 Mins: 9
Start/End: 11:52am / 3:11pm 10 minutes of break time
Approx. Miles on route: 48
Avg Temp.- 9F
Clear/Pt cloudy/Cloudy- Mostly Sunny
Wind – Calm/Light/medium- Medium
Avg. Inches Snow cover- 12”+ Lots of snow on the ground!
# Red-tails- 11 Average is 8.5
# Kestrels- TOTAL # 2 (#M = 1 /F/ND = 1)
Wild Turkey, Common Raven, American Robins, Eastern Bluebird seen today, as was one American Tree Sparrow at Flight 93.