Date: 1/21/25 5:06 pm
From: Harry LeGrand (via carolinabirds Mailing List) <carolinabirds...>
Subject: The Winter Chat 2025 is now available to Carolina Bird Club members for downloading

I learned a few minutes ago from a CBC member that the expected quarterly
notice from the Carolina Bird Club, regarding the availability of the
latest issue of The Chat, *was sent out to members on January 6*. But, the
catch is that he found his announcement *only in his Spam email box*, and
that is also where my CBC announcement was sent -- the Spam mailbox. (I
seldom check my Spam mailbox.) It was never "sent" to our Inbox or All
Mail box, where a message like this should have been received. My computer
identified the message (incorrectly) as spam. (I hope the CBC "staff" can
fix this problem -- why it was identified as spam).

So, if you are a CBC member, if you have not already seen such an
announcement, please look in your Spam box on your computer or phone. It
should be there, dated January 6.

If you don't see it there, or elsewhere on your computer, *you can also see
the announcement on the CBC Home Page*, about the 8th notice/message down
the page. There is an active link to the Winter 2025 Chat. Again, you
will need to be a CBC member to receive the issue, as you will need to
enter your Email address and a Password to access the issue.

Harry LeGrand
The Chat Briefs for the Files editor

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