Date: 1/21/25 2:45 pm
From: Sandra Keller <000007a762f332b7-dmarc-request...>
Subject: [Ohio-birds] Warren county - the deep freeze starts
I hit warren this afternoon. Wasn’t expecting Caesar creek lake to be mostly
Frozen! Because there was no ice my last time up there. But it’s getting colder.
8 degrees….. the roads are still bad around the area also. I need to wait til the thaw
Happens. I would have liked a winter rarity or 2, but it didn’t happen. March
Is coming, hopefully I’ll get one or two then. When waterfowl is migrating
Back north. I did some more field birding. No Meadowlark…….no harrier. Just
RT Hawks and Kestrels. I picked up 5 common birds. I may have already had them,
But I finally entered into ebird. Kestrel, Robin, flicker, black vulture. Cooper’s hawk.
Up to 50 for the big year in Warren! The upside of not getting much in Jan. is
That I have stuff to chase in Feb!

I started the day at CNC - Rowe Woods. A program on the Spotted Lanternfly for
Volunteers. The feeders at the Visitors center were hopping! And I could watch
From inside. 2 Fox Sparrows were nice. No Siskins or Purple Finches here.

Good birding all.

Sandra Keller

Sent from my iPad mini

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