Date: 1/21/25 2:28 pm From: muchio7 via <muchio7...> Subject: Re: [labird] Snow birds? What's at your feeders?
We got about 7 inches of snow in southeast Baton Rouge parish.
So far in my backyard and feeder I have had the following in much higher
numbers than usual: American Goldfinches, Northern Cardinals, Ruby-Crowned
Kinglet, Pine Warblers, Tufted Titmouse, Chickadees, Bluejays, Brown
Thrasher and Carolina Wrens. New visitors to the yard are two Brown-headed
cowbirds and an American Pipit.
One interesting observation over lunch was a Wilson's Snipe walking the
sidewalk of the neighborhood.
On Tue, Jan 21, 2025 at 3:09 PM Johnson, Erik via <Erik.Johnson=
<> wrote:
> LAbird,
> With such an unprecedented snowfall (8.25 inches at my place in Sunset!),
> all kinds of interesting bird observations must be out there. Share what
> you've been seeing.
> The most interesting observation at my place was 4 Rusty Blackbirds
> devouring black oil sunflower. Also, a Brown Thrasher visited the seed
> feeder, which I think may be a first for me (at least in south LA). A
> little group of Common Grackles briefly stopped by, which also don't
> regularly come to my seed feeders. One quick visit by a Dark-eyed Junco,
> which I haven't had at the feeder yet this winter. Most of my winter
> hummingbirds are accounted for - I have a few each of Black-chins and
> Rufous, and no one new has arrived as far as I can tell. Maxed out at 14
> Northern Cardinals and about 50 American Goldfinches in view at once. No
> Purple Finches or Pine Siskins, but this isn't over yet.
> Hope everyone is safe and warm.
> Erik Johnson
> Sunset, LA
> Erik.Johnson AT Audubon DOT org