Date: 1/19/25 6:52 pm From: Betsy Checchia <betsy.checchia...> Subject: [AZNMbirds] Central NM -- Alameda Open Space and Tingley Beach Today
Went out to the Rio Grande in the Alameda Open Space this morning to see if
I could find any of the unusual gulls being seen on the river below the
dam, south of the Alameda Road Bridge. I did find 2 Lesser Black-backed
Gulls and 1 Small-billed Gull (life bird #590) among the many Ring-billed
Gulls, Canada Geese and Mallards. Then I stopped at Tingley Beach, where I
found 35 species, including ducks (Mallard, Wood Duck, N. Shoveler, Am.
Wigeon, Pintail, Canvasback, Redhead, Ring-necked and Lesser Scaup), Hooded
Merganser, at least 32 Neotropic Cormorants (3 already sitting on nests), 3
Black-crowned Night-Herons (2 adults, 1 juvenile), a Bald Eagle, and my
target bird, a Harris's Sparrow. It was sunny but cold -- I don't think it
broke 35 degrees while I was out. I was happy to try out my new
fleece-lined pants...