Date: 1/19/25 2:39 pm From: Steven Tracey <straceyflash...> Subject: [AZNMbirds] SEAZ: Sunday Sierra Vista EOP Walk -- 19 Jan 2025
Hi Birders,
This morning 9 birders from AZ, MA, VT, OR, and MD got a cold start to the
morning at the Sierra Vista EOP, but were treated to much warmer temps by
the end of the walk and plenty of birds throughout. Duck species continue
to be the main show during the walk with most of the usual suspects showing
up this morning. We missed Lesser Scaup this week but managed to find the
continuing female Hooded Merganser as a reasonable trade-off.
Interestingly, the number of audible rails was way down this morning and
for the first walk in a long time we were unable to find a Virginia Rail.
We did have some nice highlights, mostly continuing winter rarities in a
White-faced Ibis and a Barn Swallow. Sparrow numbers continued to be
strong with lots of birds in the dry ponds and around a dozen Lark Buntings
thrown in as a continuing bonus. We have had a single Long-billed
Dowitcher for several weeks, so it was a pleasant surprise to find a nice
flock of an additional 12 Long-billed Dowitchers at the end of the first
section of the walk. And of course, always nice to see the melanistic
Northern Harrier continuing to patrol the EOP.
For the several years I have been leading and participating on EOP walks,
the old school leaders have talked about a Great Horned Owl perching on a
mesquite tree buried in the back of the mesquite scrub on the recharge pond
side of the EOP. After 4 years or so of checking that spot with no owl, I
regarded the mesquite owl story as strictly an urban myth. Well, my
personal highlight today was checking that spot and to my shock, finding a
Great Horned Owl. I was so shocked I neglected to take a photo. Hopefully
it doesn't wait another 4 years to show up again.
Bird walks behind the locked gates of the Sierra Vista EOP occur every
Sunday morning. For the winter months (December - February) walks start
promptly at 8:00 a.m. Arrive early at the EOP Bird Viewing Platform to sign
in with the guide--group size is limited to fifteen. Late arrivals will not
have access behind the locked gates. Scopes are useful. Bring a hat and
water--there is no shade nor any amenities on the walk route. There is a
chem toilet in the parking area.
The EOP is located just east (~ 3 miles) of Sierra Vista on AZ Hwy 90. Look
for the Brua Animal Care Center and the Wildlife Viewing signs on the north
side of Hwy 90. Turn left (north) and proceed to the bird viewing platform.
Note that Google Maps may direct you to the wrong entrance.