Date: 1/19/25 12:14 pm
From: Barbara Volkle <barb620...>
Subject: [MASSBIRD] NH Coastal Birding results - 1/18th
Thanks to Strickland Wheelock for this report.

Barbara Volkle
Northborough, MA


Date: Sun, 19 Jan 2025 16:37:36 +0000 (UTC)
From: Strickland Wheelock <skwheelock...>
Subject: NH Coastal Birding results - 1/18th

Another windy cold trip to the ocean Sat 1/18 but no rain [light] until
we were headed home as we birded from the northern end of the NH coast
down to Salisbury - like always fortunately, we had many special birds
along with the scenic coastline making the trip with many highlights to
enjoy.Starting point was new to most all was Fort Stark located on New
Castle Island - a location giving you excellent views of Portsmouth
Harbor, Little Harbor and the open ocean - as soon as we open the doors
of the vans, a Sharp-shinned Hawk whipped low overhead, a Red-tailed
Hawk flew over - later a Cooper's Hawk was spotted - the waters on
either side of this Fort had all 3 scoters, Buffleheads, C Goldeneyes,
Long-tailed Ducks, 1 Harlequin Duck, many C Eiders, Red-b Mergansers,
several C Loons - no shortage of birds to sort through along with a few
passerines around the Fort area.Just south of Fort Stark is Odiorne
Point SP where we birded along the trail on the south end scanning the
ocean - the highlight were 6 Red-necked Grebes close to shore along with
many of the same species as the Fort, a few distant Great Cormorants & N
Gannets off over the ocean and among the coastal rocks was a male Common
Merganser [probably scared out of the marshes due to the hunters] -
missed was the Black Guillemot I spotted their Mon. when scouting.As we
worked our way south stopping at various scenic views of the ocean, we
enjoyed many sea ducks, C Loons, all the common gulls, Black Ducks &
Mallards - included was a Razorbill and a Bald Eagle.=C2=A0Always a
highlight from a birding standpoint is Rye Harbor SP [Ragged Neck] -
this park juts out into the ocean so that you can scan the Harbor and
Foss Beach - wonderful location for viewing Horned Grebes, C Loons,
close viewing of Long-tailed Ducks, etc -a special treat we had was a
flock on Snow Bunting, in full sunlight, lit on the rocks along the
grassy lawn, just yards from us - just stunning looks for all !We
stopped at Eel Pond to check for the Lesser Blk-backed Gull among all
the gulls on the ice - no luck but had a Greater Scaup in a same patch
of open water.While down at Hampton Beach SP checked out the Snow
Buntings and 2 N Horned Larks, we were told by a birder that a Dovekie
was spotted close to shore in the rolling waves by Little Boar's Head -
given flexibility, we returned to the location and there was a Dovekie
that a few saw - a totally unexpected find.We ended up at Salisbury
Beach SP where we were greeted by 3 N Harriers feeding over the marsh
plus 1 Short-eared Owl fluttering over the grass before dropping down.
No other owls but did have tons of C Eiders, scoters, etc plus our 1st
Red-thr Loon at the entrance to the harbor on the incoming tide.For the
trip, we ended up with 50 species as we worked the coastline from north
to south on the windy cold day but sunny for the most part - like
always, thanks to a hardy group of participants, Dan Fournier and Leslie
Bostrom for all their great spotting skills.
Next trip for Leslie, Lindsay & I will be South Texas from 2/6th - 11th
searching for all the South Texas specialty species along with all the
volumes of winter migrants - all the participants will be their first
time birding this area, thus these folks will be blown away by the Green
Jays, Altamira Orioles, Wht-tailed and Harris's Hawks, Whooping Cranes,
Long-billed Curlews, etc, etc

Strickland Wheelock
Uxbridge Ma

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