Date: 1/19/25 7:53 am
From: Wolfgang Oesterreich <wolfoest...>
Subject: [ia-bird] SNOW in Story County
Pat Schlarbaum discovered a Snowy Owl this morning along 580th Ave, about
0.5-mile north of 220th St. I met up with Mike Meetz and we spotted the
owl, about 0.75-mile north of 220th St, in vegetation along the east side
of the road. After a few minutes, the owl flew westward across the road
and landed in a soybean field, near a grassy waterway. Soon the owl flew
southward and landed on a fence post (fence line 0.5-mile north of 220th
St). The owl would alternate between a fence post and the ground. The
Snowy Owl was last observed on the south side of the fence line (corn
stubble field), almost to the top of the slope.
Wolf. Oesterreich

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